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Mentorship Paths

Transform Your Inner World Into a Sanctuary of Peace

Experience the profound shift from fear to freedom through guided mentorship that awakens your true potential

The Awakening Journey

4-Week Inner Transformation
  • Weekly 1:1 sessions to dissolve thought patterns blocking your peace
  • Personalized meditation practices to strengthen your inner connection
  • True Forgiveness exercises that release the past and open your heart
  • Direct access to guidance between sessions for continuous support

The Inner Mastery Path

12-Week Deep Transformation
  • Bi-weekly intensive sessions to anchor profound spiritual insights
  • Advanced True Forgiveness practices for lasting inner freedom
  • Exclusive access to guided meditations for daily transformation
  • Monthly group workshops for accelerated spiritual growth
  • Direct messaging support for immediate guidance and clarity

Join a Study Group

Through shared wisdom and community we accelerate our transformation.


A Course in Miracles

Sundays at 5:30pm EST

Available in-person & via Zoom

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A Course of Love

Sundays at 4:30pm EST

Available in-person & via Zoom

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Way of Mastery

Wednesdays at 5:30pm EST

Available in-person & via Zoom

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Help us spread the message of ONEness worldwide

What Our Community Says

"Meeting Eddie brought light and love into my life. After a year of guidance, I've learned to feel peace and joy instead of anger and fear. Eddie has shown me the way to a happier life!"
Bobbie Course Participant
"Eddie's teaching has transformed my life, connecting me deeply to joy, love, and peace. For anyone seeking true spiritual growth, his lessons are a gift."
Julie Course Participant
"Eddie teaches with humor, warmth, and authenticity, making complex ideas clear. He guides with love and demonstrates true mastery by being fully himself—a friend and inspiring companion."
Sean Course Participant

Return to ONEness: A Course

When we live the Truth of our Being, we create experiences of peace, love, and joy. Through these experiences, we grow in our understanding of our interconnectedness with each other and our Source. This allows us to return to our true state of glory, which is to extend love rather than to project fear. Now, the time has come for us to arise from sleep and walk together in oneness and unity, so that we can bring Heaven to Earth.

This is a course to help you Return to Oneness. Just as Love cannot be taught, neither can the meaning of unity and oneness. This course is not designed to teach that which exists in abstractia. Its aim, however, is to assist you in preparing for the experience. For through direct experience, you will come to feel oneness throughout the whole of your being.

Oneness is meaningless to the mind, and is therefore unknown. However, to the heart, oneness is as it has always been. It is why we now communicate through feelings. Although your mind is reading and searching its past, in order to understand these words, it is your heart that feels them and translates them to the appropriate thoughts for which the mind and its power can be utilized with regards to its proper function, which is extension rather than projection.

It is from the union of the mind with the heart, between the soul and spirit, which brings you into Self Awareness and the Realm of Divine Existence. For without this union, oneness, like Love, will remain alien to you. And, your True Self, which is both Love and one, will continue to be hidden behind the veil of dreams. Peace is your treasure. It is your inheritance, given by the Father to His Beloved Son. Yet, to experience your birthright, you must come into oneness with All That Is.

About the Author and Founder

Eddie Lee

In 2012, Eddie lost his eyesight to a genetic disease. It was from this experience he learned the principle: “To change your life, you must change your thoughts.” In other words, he learned that he had to change his entire thought system in order to change his life.

Today, he lives this principle and shares it with those who are ready to change their lives for the better. He teaches how to let go of the past, grievances, and limitations, and to fully live in the present moment where life happens.

Return to Oneness: A Course was received by Eddie Lee in order to guide us to the Truth of our Self. Love and oneness are your natural state. They are not separate aspects of God. They are God, without which nothing that exists would exist. You exist. Therefore, you must be Love and One, nothing more, but certainly nothing less. For in oneness lies the power to create the new, and to bring Heaven to Earth. This is your function. This is your Joy, which is but the realized True Self, the Self of God, the Self that is but Awareness.

Until you experience the joy and peace of oneness, it will remain unknown to you. How could it be different? For you believe only that in which you see and experience. Is this wrong? Certainly not! For it is, after all, nothing more than the power of your mind in motion. It is the natural effect of the Spiritual Laws. You are under no Laws but God's. Although you have forgotten these simple Laws, your forgetting them did not negate them. They are you. Yes! Since you are one with everything, you are one with the Laws, as well. They do not exist outside of you. In truth, the Laws live within you. They do not control you, because that would oppose the first Law, the Law of Free Will. Instead, the Laws simply maintain unity.

Return to Oneness: A Course is a guide stone to not only remember the Laws, but also to help carry you into Peace, which is your birthright.

The Book

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The book Return To ONEness: A Course is designed to help those who are ready to live the Truth of their Being through individual study.

We meet weekly via Zoom or in person for classes and monthly for workshops in order to foster a deeper awareness of Self.

The time of learning has passed. We have entered into the time of sharing – communication via the feelings of the Heart. And, as we share those feelings we come to recognize and remember our oneness with All That Is.

When we unite our the mind (soul) and heart (spirit) we remember our True Self. By removing the obstacles of fear, guilt, and lack of self-worth, we discover the peace, love, and joy that is our birthright. The Return To ONEness Foundation is here to help all those that are ready to experience and create heaven on earth.