We are One Heart. We are One Mind. Joined in wholeheartedness, we are Heaven within the world. We replace bitterness with sweetness. We dwell in the Reality of the One Heart, creation’s birthplace, birthplace of the good, the beautiful, the holy, and the new.
Conflict is the experience created by the belief in duality. And, this belief arose when it seemed possible, within the mind that believed itself to be not-God, that God could have an opposite. Yet, our One Heart knows not of duality, or opposites. It only knows Truth: that only God is Real. But, to the mind, opposites seem to exist, always offering a choice between two things. Our One Heart recognizes there are no choices to make. For our One Heart knows only of Love.
Awakening into Christ Consciousness occurs in the heart. It is the union of the divine (the upper energy centers) with man (the lower energy centers), which is more aptly described as the union between heaven and earth. More specifically, it is the awakening into wholeheartedness. Thus, it is in our awakening – the awakening of the Christ within us that we come to live the Truth of our Being.
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It's all about love


“Nothing conflicts with Oneness."
A Course In Miracles


"Let Love live through you."
The Way of Mastery


"In quietness, are all things answered."
A Course in Miracles


"We trust our ways to the Energy of Love and say "Amen"
A Course in Miracles